I ____________________ (Name of Slandere) would like to formally accuse _______________ (Name of slandee) of Sodomy / Lechery / Sheep Shagging / Random acts of perversion. I'll be the first to admit there's only Some unsubstantiated / Bugger all / Very little / Some truth to this accusation. It's just that I feel extremely Jealous / Resentful / Bitter / Bitchy towards this _______________ (Expletive-based adjective) person for being More successful / Better looking / More with it / So much cooler than my (possibly) nonsense accusation will cause this _______________ (Unflattering noun) to realize that the Company / Country / Political party / Universe doesn't revolve around them. And through this misdeed of mine, I hope to achieve Some petty entertainment for myself / A promotion for myself / 15 minutes of tabloid fame / Their total demise. If the allegations against the slandee are miraculously proved true, I shall celebrate by Taking a full-page newspaper ad to go: Ha... ha / Buying all readers of my blog Singapore GP tickets / Treating myself to a big screen TV / Steamboat!!!. But, in the (more likely) event of the allegations turning out to be baseless, I shall Run down the street naked / Check myself into a mental institution / Be the slandee's slave till they're satisfied / Do a Mas Selamat and disappear.
Name of slanderer
Date & Signature of slanderer
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