Oh no....

Well, I've dropped my mobile phone yet again and my 2GB memory card simply told me that it isn't formatted, which in turns meant that I will not be able to update personal photos for at least 1 week from now. So, meanwhile, I am still blogging as usual but more on what I found on the Internet rather than what I've experienced. So, please do bear with me as I try to fix my mobile phone/2GB memory card a.s.a.p. so that all you wonderful readers will have more photos to look (and ogle) at. Sorry for this abrupt inconvenience, but I will try to fix it as fast as I can.


Riih Rion is bashful when facing cameras and video-cams. But she soon realized she is more comfortable behind a PC screen than in front of a lens. Riih is passionate about beauty products, paranormal & folk lore from anywhere in the world and sushi. Especially sushi. Come visit her blogs or drop her a comment :D

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