Felicia Teo Wei Ling

Singapore is just a small little island, in fact, it's so small that it is simply imposible that a person can go missing. Poof! Just like that. And the worst thing to happen out of this is the fact that some fucker decided to post a comment on SG forum that he saw felicia in a dream where she was captured and tortured, like a movie scene out of SAW. The wacko said that he saw felicia in a some kind of a cell/chamber, she was being tortured and she was begging for help. I'd say to this shit-hole to find a life and move on. There's no need to raise hopes only to have it dashed just like that. And even worse response was someone claiming to be Ben who said that he had seen Felicia with his own eyes and the phone number he gave turned out to be, well, fake. Please, anyone and everyone who is reading this blog, especially tourists! If you happened to be in Singapore and see Felicia, please help by calling 999 (Singapore police). Since tourists are going to explore the whole of Singapore, there might be a way for you guys to spot her in places her family and friends might not have thought of searching at. View the videos to see for yourselves:

Although I may not know Felicia, but the plight of her anxious family and friends really touched and moved me. And it isn't simply fair in a sense that nobody has the slightest idea of where she went to and how could she just disappear like that! The last know video footage of her was a video footage of her leaving her friend's house in Marine Parade. Please, if you see her, call the singapore police @ 999. Better yet, if you realised that you actually did saw her, follow her and find out where is she heading and if possible, stop her and bring her to any singapore police station or police post. Things like that shouldn't be happenening in Singapore at all. Not in a million chance!


Riih Rion is bashful when facing cameras and video-cams. But she soon realized she is more comfortable behind a PC screen than in front of a lens. Riih is passionate about beauty products, paranormal & folk lore from anywhere in the world and sushi. Especially sushi. Come visit her blogs or drop her a comment :D

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