Times are hard at my workplace too

While taking turns to hide inside the cabinet, we thought of this wacko and sick idea to "scare" our customers. Here's the pitch:

Place a long-haired staff inside the cabinet and when a cashier sees a customer approaching the counter to pay, the cashier will leave the cabinet door opened with the intended "victim" pretending to be a victim of The Ring inside. My supervisor, Ah Chay, would walk past and loudly exclaimed: "Can someone please get rid of the corpse instead of stashing it away for Halloween?" Phoebe would innocently ask, "What happened to that "dead" person?" and Mark would nonchalantly answer, "Oh that? Asshole came up to the cashier counter to ask for book enquiry, so we dispatch the customer."

I would be sitting in a corner, holding on to a rag doll and laugh/giggle away at nothing. Then ...drumroll please... Taufiq, our hunk at Page One, dressed in a trench coat with shades, would walk in to the "crime scene" and said, "So, how do you guys want me to get rid of it? Burn it, bury it or... the swamp?". Meanwhile, Mark would then turned back to the customer who previously came up to the cashier counter to ask for book enquiry and calmly asked, "So, I hear you're looking for a book?"

Good imagination, right? Well, too bad I don't have the fees to pay my actors. Like I said, times are hard. But if this idea sells, I be treating everyone involved at Ben & Jerry's, no re-fill or free-flow. We have to save some for our next scenario, alright? Anyway, we'll see how it goes when we get to try this scenario out.

P/S: What happened to Tracey, you ask? She's the camera-women, poised to take everything down on the camera. Besides, corpses can't giggle (Tracey), don't have eye-bags (Fatin), shouldn't flash their pearlies and muscles (Taufiq) and neither can the corpse look too well-fed (Pu Niao), right?


Riih Rion is bashful when facing cameras and video-cams. But she soon realized she is more comfortable behind a PC screen than in front of a lens. Riih is passionate about beauty products, paranormal & folk lore from anywhere in the world and sushi. Especially sushi. Come visit her blogs or drop her a comment :D

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