Jay's Corner

When I clicked on the link that brings me to Jay's Corner, the beautiful photo on the top of the blog simply blew my mind away. I don't know is it a real photo taken or done through Photoshop or is it a character from any movies, but what I can say is that it is really beautiful. Not too overdone like what regular photoshopped images or photos looked like, it looks white and clean and it beckons to me subtly to check out the rest of its posts and check it out I did.

And the next thing that got me hooked even more was the Super Mario game widget. Call me simple, but Super Mario sure brings back a lot of good memories for me, especially of my childhood days. Anyway, I haven't been playing Super Mario for so many years and I know I have definitely gotten rusty as I Mario got devoured by a plant. Talk about childhood memories, I'm sure everyone of us remembered getting frustrated when you lose a life when you least expect it, and I sincerely hope that someone out there will make some movies about Super Mario.

The next thing that made me read the post from word to word in Jay's Corner is a phone review about Korean cellphones. Accept it. Everyone needs cellphone to literally survive in this high-technology world and the best way to know which phone is best for you is to read cellphone reviews from personal blogs as I believe that not only is it personal, the blogger gives a good review about the phone's functions, operating woes, watching movies on cellpohones and stuffs like that. Consider it a non-biased self opinion, but cellphone reviews on personal blogs are the best. Newspaper and magazine reports will either give it an indefinite thumbs down just because the reviewer don't like the brand or give it as many stars as possible due to the fact that newspaper and magazine cellphone reviews are being paid for. Most personal blogs that I came across that does cellphone reviews are those who are not paid to review certain brands of phones and thus, gives it a more honest opinion from a real-user's point of view. Just like Jay's Corner does.

Anyway, I shall not spill anymore beans about what wonderful finds I found in Jay's Corner, just go over and read it for yourself. Oh, don't forget the beautiful photo at the top of the blog.


Riih Rion is bashful when facing cameras and video-cams. But she soon realized she is more comfortable behind a PC screen than in front of a lens. Riih is passionate about beauty products, paranormal & folk lore from anywhere in the world and sushi. Especially sushi. Come visit her blogs or drop her a comment :D

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