Looking good and fashionable with Nikon 1 J2

For so long, I personally have been blogging with photos taken from my cellphone. It started with a Siemen's hand-me-down phone, where the photos were a little blurry no matter how I tried to tweak it to near perfection in a free-to-share paint program. It also didn't help that my blog's previous layout was a tad small, hence my photos had to be re-sized to even smaller just so it can be accomodated within the boundaries of the size of a blog post.

But that is until I finally got my hands on a really brand new phone, which actually is a little out-dated, judging from the current trend of android phones and iPhones where android phone users can actually instagram their photos and upload their "michealangelo" pieces to their own dedicated instagram accounts. But still, after a chance encounter with a website that dedicates itself to uploading wacky and auto-correct messages, I can safely deduced that my interest in android phones and iPhones aren't still that big yet.

Specifically because of the rumors I've heard about iPhone 5, where users have to buy separate docking and charging units as it is non compatable with older versions. Yep, you can safely say that I am not a big fan of current trends though. I mean, why would I want to be just like everyone else when I can be myself without prejudice. But still, when it comes to taking good photos, you can never ever go wrong with a really good camera.

For instance, let's take a look at the Nikon 1 J2 camera that's got everyone into ecstasy.

What I personally dig about the Nikon 1 J2 camera is that the style of the camera is by far the best I've ever seen. Don't get me wrong, there are definitely other cameras which everyone personally defined as even better. But then, I am actually a fickle minded person when it comes to camera design. As I am not a really professional photographer, I can't find myself appreciating huge and heavy camera. Much less trying to tote it around just for the sake of taking photos on the go, hence, something like the Nikon 1 J2 is actually perfect for someone like me who doesn't believe in carrying a big bag around where close to 80% of the content of my bad is actually camera equipment.

What's more, I like that the controls on the camera is actually simple and idiot-proof so that a novice camera user won't feel intimidated by the vast amount of controls and buttons needed to use, just to take that 1 simple shot, wherever the occasion could be or about. Imagine seeing a fleeting shot and you have to be able to get it in as short as 30 seconds. And those 30 seconds are actually really precious, to the point where if you are actually spending that much amount of time to get your camera ready, that shot would probably be lost to you forever simply because you had to spend so much time getting everything right before pressing that shutter.

And personally, I've always had a really good impression and high expectations from Nikon cameras, and this Nikon 1 J2 is no different too. I still remember getting my very first Nikon camera from my father, who gave it to me as he bought a much spankier and newer one for himself. I love how a really noobish beginner to photography like me actually managed to get my very first photograph taken, despite not even knowing what are the controls for. And I think that's actually really impressive for someone who has no prior experience to using cameras at all. Although alas, my mother dropped it to the floor one day and there goes my one and only Nikon camera forever D:

And no doubt along the way, from childhood to now, much of my influences towards heavy rock 'n' roll music has also played a huge difference in my selection of all things gadgets. Although most people may feel that black isn't really going to bring out any "flashy" effects when taking photographs, but I digress. All it takes is a little mix and match with accessories to make a black outfit pop too. What I personally like is the fact that when I whipped out a black camera out of my punk jacket's pocket, I feel almost like a professional photographer.

All those little details on your black clothing and a little mix and match with accessories can actually make black outfits go from boring to 'Wow!' without having to go to too much trouble too. Yes, I don't mean those plain black jackets or tops. I meant the ones with little or lots of details to make something plain and black look wonderful and stunning.

But if you think just a black top with print details isn't enough to make taking photos with a Nikon 1 J2 camera fun and fashionable, then you are only half done with your outfit. Small and simply accessories such as necklaces can brighten up your outfit and at the same time, do not take the attention away from your camera at all. What you are trying to achieve here is casual smart without being over the top.

And yes, I do heard of gold accessories making you feel like you've aged too. But still, there's no fashion rule that states you have to wear something pure gold with an outfit. Something a little gold and a little silver can still make a plain outfit looks expensive. Just don't go overboard with the jewellery, or people would have though that camera you are holding on is actually part of the jewellery ensemble, and that is not what you want. Especially if you are trying to match your clothes to the camera of choice too.

And despite how everyone goes on and on about how cameras that have a black color body looks so much like a toy, instead of a real camera, I think it's just an understatement sometimes. And don't even look down on cameras with a black body, those are always the ones that pack a punch. For example, the Nikon 1 J2 camera has this little wonderful function called the Smart Photo Selector function. This little wonderful function does help when you are trying to take photos in a crowded place where everyone is jostling for that perfect spot and the perfect angle.

And I've personally have suffered grievances related to photo taking when a huge and tall guy rudely stepped right in front of my lens, effectively blocking my shot before I could even so much as take a breath before pressing down on the shutter. And yes, unfortunately, I had a crappy shot of that guy's white T-shirt, which I duly tapped him on the shoulder as hard as I possible can and gave him a piece of my mind for the next 15 minutes arguing that he is a rude photographer who has no manners by abruptly standing in front of somebody's lens without even bothering to ask if the shot has been taken or whatever. I'm guessing that guy must have worked for some minor newspaper, due to his equally huge and heavy camera.

Hence, I like that this camera has this wonderful function where it takes 20 continuous shots without having me to press the shutter repeatedly, that is actually a whopping 60 frames per second if you are unable to do your maths with only 10 fingers and 10 toes. And this can definitely helps a lot when trying to take that perfect shot fast enough without having someone huge, tall and rude block your view entirely. And I am still sore up till today at that guy who ruined that shot of mine -_-

And do you know that the Nikon 1 J2 camera only weigh a whopping 280g? This means that you can bring that cute little powerful camera wherever you need to, without the hassle of bringing along your various lenses, lens adapter and many more knicknacks. Try having a DSLR and all the various components and adds on all packed into a bulky sling bag while trying to attend a dinner fucntion. That isn't just a fashion failure, it's a fashion sacrilege at it's worst. Sure, the camera is powerful, but when matched with your pretty clothes, it's just disaster, waiting for weird and sometimes nasty comments your way, which sometimes can mercifully comes disguised as question(s) such as, "Wah! You're a professional photographer now ah?" And that is actually a jibe at you, asking why the heck are you bringing so much bulky items that amounts to a single powerful camera all over the restaurant while the other female guests are looking so sweet and demure in just their pretty clothes, shoes, little clutches and perfect makeup.

It is SUPER DUPER UNGLAM (*screams SUPER DUPER UNGLAM loudly*) to tote a huge carry on, just plainly for the sake of taking powerful photographs when a smaller and much more compact camera does the trick, don't you agree? And besides, it's even annoying to have to bring out a separate digital video recorder if the need to take a video instead of just photographs if the mood or need calls for it. It's not even on the scale of "annoying", it's just outright ridiculous. A sling bag on your left shoulder for your big, powerful and heavy DSLR camera and another sling bag on your right shoulder that contains spare batteries, spare tapes and a digital video recorder. All that just simply and realistically screamed "SUPER DUPER UNGLAM", no matter how much I try to soften my words. It's just is.

But with the Nikon 1 J2, it's practically simultaneous recording of movies and stills without dropping a single frame while being able to function just as superbly as a camera too. Simply put, all the best in just 1 small and powerful camera that is called the Nikon 1 J2. But hey, if all else fails, I can still bring out my Nikon 1 J2 in my mini cauldron for some pre- and post- Halloween fun.

If you are still curious about the other superior functions for the Nikon 1 J2, check out this link: http://bit.ly/Y2OiSY


Riih Rion is bashful when facing cameras and video-cams. But she soon realized she is more comfortable behind a PC screen than in front of a lens. Riih is passionate about beauty products, paranormal & folk lore from anywhere in the world and sushi. Especially sushi. Come visit her blogs or drop her a comment :D

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