So you think that's scary???

So speak the truth, I never really like horror movies. Not that I hated it or anything, it just gives me the creeps that horror movies nowadays are sometimes so well done that you thought it was for real. Take Ghost Doll Hanako that I watched a couple of years back. It really freaked me out so much that I couldn't sleep in peace at all for one whole week. There's this particular scene in which the two protagonists (girls) were in a room writing some sort of protection incantation and repeating "I don't want to die. I want to live!" over and over again. And every completed written incantation was pasted all over the room, sort of like forming a protection barrier around the room, and not letting that creepy scary ghost doll come anywhere near them. As if that wasn't bad enough, the protection seal that was previously pastered on the glass window started to smudge and became "useless" and suddenly, the ghost doll plastered itself against the window, right exactly where the protection seal was previously pasted at.

Bad part?

My bed is right beside a window too... So, that sort of gives me the creeps whenever I heard or feel some sort of presence near the window. But still, ultimately, nothing beats this video I found of Saw. Just watch it to believe it for yourself. And last but not least, make sure you're not eating or drinking when you are watching this video or esle you'll regret doing so...

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Riih Rion is bashful when facing cameras and video-cams. But she soon realized she is more comfortable behind a PC screen than in front of a lens. Riih is passionate about beauty products, paranormal & folk lore from anywhere in the world and sushi. Especially sushi. Come visit her blogs or drop her a comment :D

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