Awww...Mondays: 18 February 2013

11 Labrador puppies destined for greatness in the guide dog business

Image Source: GoAww

The decision to put up a "Guide Dog" related photo? Because Tiger Airways says "No" to Guide Dogs on planes and I think it's a total bs from their part. It's not as if people choose to be blind and depend on a Guide Dog, fate plays a mysterious part on our lives and when life hits us hard when we least expect it, we do have to depend on a Guide dog to guide us and at the same time show that there is humanity somehow. Read the news here: Tiger Airways says 'no' to guide dog


Riih Rion is bashful when facing cameras and video-cams. But she soon realized she is more comfortable behind a PC screen than in front of a lens. Riih is passionate about beauty products, paranormal & folk lore from anywhere in the world and sushi. Especially sushi. Come visit her blogs or drop her a comment :D


  1. Adorable dogs with such an important mission! I think it's ridiculous that that airline won't allow guide dogs on the plane. It doesn't even make sense.

    1. @ Dana:

      Yes, it is definitely ridiculous for an airline to have such "airs" regarding Guide Dogs.

  2. Awww...All of them are adorable. Looks like we both did puppies today.

    I agree about guide dogs. They should go wherever their master goes.

    Have a terrific Awww...Monday. ☺

    1. @ Sandee:

      Yes, they cannot expect a blind man to be able to navigate unknown streets without a guide dog. It's sad that certain airlines are so rigid with their bs rules.

  3. I cannot believe that an airline today would be allowed to ban a guide dog- that is awful. I certainly would not use that airline.
    Cute photo of these darling puppies.
    Have a very nice week.

    1. @ Kathe W:

      I never thought the same too. It's just plain ridiculous that an airline that isn't that famous would actually come up with a ridiculous rule regarding guide dogs. And I wouldn't use that airline either in the near future, no matter how cheap their air tickets are.

  4. Oh boy puppies,Sandee and I aslo did a puppy awww.

    1. @ Mike Golch:

      Puppies. They calm our souls and our mood, even when everything gets tough :)

  5. Oh my goodness! They are so adorable. Can I adopt one? :)

    1. @ Rockbleeder:

      Yes you can. But if the owner asks, I'm pointing the finger at you xD


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